Juster’s Story
As a child, Juster and her single mother of five walked for miles each day to sell vegetables, making only a few dollars to feed their family of seven which kept Juster out of school. Her mother often strapped the youngest child on her back to work on the neighbor’s farm where she was occasionally hired to dig, weed, and harvest vegetables to supplement their income.
Juster's mother was confident, hardworking, and determined to educate the children despite the hardship at home. Many relatives abandoned their family while the neighbors gossiped because they thought it was futile and foolish to work so hard to educate the girls, but she persisted.
One night, the family was attacked in their home by an armed gang. Juster’s mom was shot but managed to flee along with the children. They left everything they owned behind and walked for days to a distant village where they started a new life.
All this hardship did not deter Juster’s industrious spirit from pursuing her education with a dream of achieving a medical degree. Once they settled in their new home, Juster was able to resume her studies, scoring in the top 1% on her national exam and qualifying her for university. Unfortunately, emerging among the best performers in the entire country is not enough for a girl in Kenya. Juster’s family did not have the finances to pay for a medical degree and the few scholarship opportunities available in Kenya would barely cover expenses. Juster was left desperate to find a way to pursue her dream.
Now, through her GLOW scholarship, Juster is the first member of her family to go to university! She will soon become the first doctor in her community to treat, support, and care for the sick and needy who are often outcasts in her community.