Trizah J
Trizah’s Story
As Trizah was at her local hospital one day, she saw a man who had just been in a fatal road accident being brought in for treatment. The nurses were having their lunch and did not seem to care about the patient who bled profusely despite his wailing and pleas for help. Trizah saw the man breathe his last while waiting desperately for the nurses and doctors to attend to him. She was heartbroken and wished she was qualified enough to help the victim but what had happened could not be undone. That was the beginning of her vision to pursue a medical degree. Today, she is pursuing a 4-year degree in psychology in the second-largest public university in Kenya, Kenyatta University.
Back home, her mother has been ailing and is bedridden since 2009 but has never been able to seek proper medication out of financial restraints. To add salt to the injury, Trizah’s younger brother broke his elbow and stayed out of school for three months until he got medical assistance from a well-wisher. During that period, Trizah suspended her education to care for them while performing domestic chores for neighbors in exchange for a meal for her and her family.
As Living in a slum in the cheapest house there was, they still could not afford the rent. The school was about 8 miles away and yet she went on foot every morning and evening to save on costs. She was rained on a lot in the rainy seasons and even survived rape attempts.
But that was not the only time she walked long distances. Every evening after school, she walked for another mile to fetch water for domestic use. She was the eldest child and a girl, which qualified her for the responsibility. Many are the times she narrowly escaped rape. Her friends however, were not so lucky as a good number of them were preyed upon.
When everything else wasn’t lacking per se, Trizah would often be seen at home and not school because it was her time of the month and yet she did not have sanitary pads.
Despite the circumstances she grew up in, she kept the faith to carry on. She was a top performer in her class, something that encouraged the school administration to let her learn for free until graduating. The school covered all her educational needs and meals too.
Trizah is the happiest she has ever been knowing that by going to college, she will have access to employment through which she will be better placed to look after her mom and brother.