Joyce’s Story
Although Joyce faced obstacles and personal hardships at a very young age, she never gave up. At the age of six, Joyce would beg for food and money to feed her and her mother who suffered from alcoholism and drug abuse. On days when Joyce was able to go to school as a young girl, she would walk miles to and from school because she did not have enough money to ride the bus. Her mother died when Joyce was 11 leaving her orphaned. Joyce had nothing left but the hope for education. She was awarded a scholarship for high school and today, with the generous support from GLOW donors, Joyce is a GLOW Scholar.
While in college, Joyce always finds creative ways to pay for her living expenses through her side-hustles. She washes the clothes of other students and families, creates hand-made mats, resells clothing, and uses her camera skills to find freelance film work. Joyce dreams of owning a production company to give a voice to her community through journalism, photography, and videography. Ultimately, she wants to use her education and skills to give back to her community through service projects.